“Seeking out treatment for an illness once it has already developed in the body is like deciding to dig a well once one has already become thirsty”
— Chinese Medical Proverb

Chinese Medicine physicians and practitioners treat injuries and illnesses every day. Illness and injury are inevitable. It should be known however that the greatest merit of Chinese Medicine is found in its ability to prevent illness and injury from occurring in the first place.  This wellness tradition is a core strategy inChinese Medical history, but is critically lacking in western medicine clinics and hospitals. This gap is why Vital Center was created.  

Historically in China people paid their doctors on a monthly basis.   This afforded them a certain number of treatments, and even more importantly, they were given a list of guidelines to follow relative to diet, exercise, and lifestyle.  If you came in for regular treatment and followed the guidelines given to you, you were expected to stay well or become more well over time.  If you fell ill, it was thought your doctor had failed.

NeijingTu, Inner Landscape Diagram 

NeijingTu, Inner Landscape Diagram 

The Vital Center healthcare model is designed  to restore balance in the healthcare industry and help you find balance in your life.  We want you to have something better, to help you understand what is healthy for you as an individual, and to encourage you to make health a lifestyle.  Your willingness to take part in the process demonstrates a readiness to become more well.  This readiness is the foundation for building inner strength.  When you have inner strength, your body is resilient, your mind is calm, and you not only have the ability to resist life's stresses but also disease.  This sort of freedom of body and mind is one of greatest gifts we can experience in our lives.  

Are you ready to change your life?


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