The best healthcare plan is the one that works
and doesn’t beat you down with side-effects.

What is Chinese Medicine?

Chinese Medicine is the oldest and most continuously practiced form of medicine in human history.  It has been evolving as a system of primary care for thousands of years and research now proves it to be the most complete and most effective system of natural medicine in the world.  

Chinese Medicine utilizes a holistic medical theory that views an inseparability between individual's physical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual aspects.  Every person is viewed through a lens of bio-individuality and healthcare plans are uniquely tailored to bring balance into the lives of each patient.  

We use 6 methods in our practice to treat ailments and improve health:

   Clinical Modalities:  

  1. Acupuncture

  2. Manual/Physio Therapy

  3. Herbs and Supplements

   Lifestyle Approaches: 

  1. Dietetics

  2. Therapeutic Exercise

  3. Natural Living Strategies

What Can Chinese Medicine Treat? 

Though the best treatment Chinese Medicine has to offer involves preventing disease from occurring in the first place, we excel at treating many health concerns.  

Frequently we see patients for issues related to:


Eating Disorders
Cancer Support

Men's Health
Structural Issues
Women's Health

A good rule is: If there is an emergency, go see your medical doctor.  If your health situation is not an emergency, Chinese Medicine can most likely improve or cure your health condition without the need for pharmaceutical drugs or surgery.  We refer patients to other medical providers when appropriate and provide superbills to patients for insurance reimbursement

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Because of the holistic nature of acupuncture, there is no simple answer to this question.  With that said, there has been a lot of high-quality research over the past decade that sheds light on some of the mechanisms that explain how acupuncture may work.  Some of those mechanisms include:

•Acupuncture influences neurotransmitter activity
•Acupuncture facilitates blood circulation
•Acupuncture encourages the release of stem cells
•Acupuncture regulates gasotransmitter activity
•Acupuncture causes the release of endogenous opiod peptides
•Acupuncture improves proprioception
•Acupuncture reduces inflammation

About Treatment

Health History & Diagnosis
When you come into the office, you will first go through a thorough review of your health & medical history with the practitioner.  He will assess the health of your different bodily systems using 4 primary diagnostic techniques: Inspection, Auscultation/Olfaction, Questioning, & Palpation.  

The physical examination process includes pulse analysis, tongue examination, and palpation.  Palpation may involve checking the spine, the abdomen, and areas along the arms and legs.  You may be checked for lumps near muscles, glands, and organs.  Eyes, ears, nose, and throat may be examined, blood pressure may checked, and structure may be assessed through orthopedic tests or physical movement screening.  This is important for your practitioner to understand your condition.

Health Review
After a diagnosis is determined, your practitioner will explain to you the nature of your body's imbalances.  You may receive information on dietary changes, lifestyle changes, exercises, and/or other self-care techniques that you are responsible for to help improve your condition.

Clinical Treatment may include Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Bodywork, Cupping, and/or Gua Sha.  Your practitioner will inform you what treatment strategy is best for you.  Chinese Medicine is program-oriented and not a one-time quick fix.  Treatment will usually require a series of appointments to obtain a health goal.  4-6 appointments will usually resolve recent injuries and illnesses and 10 or more appointments may be necessary to resolve more serious or chronic injuries or illnesses.

The best medicine is preventative medicine.  In ancient China, a doctor's worth wasn't evaluated on his ability to treat illness.  His value was decided by his ability to prevent illness from developing in the first place.  At Vital Center we offer comprehensive preventative medicine (nourishing life) strategies to help build up your inner strength, so that you can not only avoid illness, but become more vital, engaged, and resilient in your life.



This is the medical practice of inserting sterile, disposable stainless steel needles into precise locations on the body that render different health promoting physiological and psychological responses.  Different techniques are used to stimulate the needles for different effects or the needles may be connected to an electronic stimulation device   Acupuncture is a beneficial treatment modality for virtually any ailment that is encountered throughout our lives.


This is the medical practice of warming of mugwort floss over the skin.  It is especially helpful in increasing white blood cell counts, improving circulation, relaxing areas of tension, and calming the mind.  Moxibustion may be applied on top of needles or other techniques may be used to warm and soothe the body.  Mugwort has a pleasant fragrance, and for many people it is their favorite part of the Chinese Medical treatment process.


Tuina is sometime referred to as "acupuncture without needles."  It can be most easily described as being the Chinese equivalent to aspects of physical therapy, chiropractics, therapeutic massage, and traditional bone setting.  This is a stand-alone therapy but is most often integrated into acupuncture appointments.  This is Jake's preferred method of treatment for most injuries and musculoskeletal imbalances.


This therapy invovles creating a vacuum within a sterile glass cup and placing it on locations of the body to decompress fascia, increase circulation, aid in the removal of toxins, and relieve pain.  It is very popular amongst athletes for its recovery benefits.  We use this frequently in the clinic for back pain, shoulder pain, tight IT bands, and inflexibility of the hamstrings and glutes.  Asthma sufferers tend to notice improvement in breathing after this therapy


This is a very old Chinese therapy that involves the gentle scraping of the skin with a special tool to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and assist in muscle repair and recovery.  Guasha is known to improve the function of the internal organs by stimulating corresponding cutaneous nerves.  It can also reduce fever and other symptoms related to colds and flus.  It is known by the petechia that results for several days after its clinical application. 


Chinese Herbalism is the most sophisticated natural method of using botanical substances to promote health on Earth.  By understanding certain elements of herbs, such as their flavors and the basic  physiologic responses they encourage (like warming and cooling, rising and descending), formulas can be created that are highly effective and individualized for each person.  Herbs are beneficial for both internal and external ailments.


Dietary Therapy

Chinese Medical dietetics is not just concerned with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and sugars.  It also puts vital emphasis on the importance of balancing flavors, methods of cooking, food combinations, seasonal eating, and the timing of when and how much food should be consumed.  Dietary plans are individualized for each person and may change with the seasons along with different health issues that one may encounter over time.